Is the Court open during the coronavirus/Covid 19 pandemic? Yes. The Clermont County Common Pleas Court, General Division, is currently open and operating with normal hours during the pandemic.

Is the Court taking precautions about the coronavirus/Covid 19? Yes, the Court has an appropriate set of precautions in place and will modify them as the situation changes.

Do I have to wear a mask? You are not required to wear a mask, but you may wear one if your personal situation makes that a better choice for you.

Is social distancing in effect? Yes. You will be expected to maintain social distancing (six feet) in the line to enter the Courthouse, while going through security screening, and at all other times while you are in the Courthouse hallways, waiting areas, courtrooms, and other places. Waiting area and courtroom seating may be limited where it has been reduced to help with social distancing.

Is there screening at the Courthouse door? Yes. Everyone entering the Courthouse will have their temperature taken with a thermal camera. The Sheriff’s Deputies will refuse entry to anyone who has a temperature or shows signs of illness.

Regular security requirements about weapons and other prohibited items are still in full force and effect.

Is hand sanitizer available? Yes. There are conveniently located places in the Courthouse where hand sanitizer is available.

Is there a way to file papers with the Clerk without physically coming to court? Yes. The Clerk of Court, under Local Rule 17, does accept fax filing of certain documents. Please check the Clerk of Courts page on this website by clicking HERE.

Instead of coming to the courthouse, can I just call the judge or a court employee to get information about my case or explain what is going on with my case? No. The usual ethical rules that prohibit judges, magistrates, and court employees from having one-sided communications with parties remain in effect. You can review the limits on what court employees may discuss by clicking HERE.

Is the Law Library open? Yes. The Law Library is open. You can access the Law Library website by clicking HERE.

Are there changes to the courtrooms? Yes. There is limited seating in the public areas to create proper social distancing. The Judges and their staff will enforce specific requirements for each courtroom, which you must follow.

Are there any modifications to how the Court conducts its operations? Yes. The Court is using technology where possible to hold pre-trial conferences and other proceedings by telephone or video conferencing. Certain criminal proceedings are being held by video conferencing from the Clermont County Jail and state prisons. Nearly all court mediations are being held in person with social distancing.

If you have a question about how a certain judge is using technology for their cases, please contact that judge’s chambers for guidance. You may call the Mediation Office (513-732-7126) for information about mediation conferences.

Within the Courthouse and its various offices, there is frequent cleaning and sanitizing of high-touch surfaces like doorknobs and countertops. The courtrooms and court hallways are sanitized on a regular basis.

Does the pandemic mean I am excused from jury service?  No. Anyone summoned for jury duty must complete and return the questionnaire. Jurors wishing to be pre-excused from jury service must respond as instructed on the questionnaire. Reporting instructions are included on the summons. If you have a particular medical or personal situation, each case will be considered individually. Excuse requests are reviewed weekly by the Jury Commission Board.

Are civil protection order (CPO) hearings still being held?  Yes, CPO hearings are going forward as scheduled in person in Courtroom 205 with social distancing.

Where can I get more information on what the Court is doing about Covid 19? The most recent Court order is HERE. Information about how the Ohio court system is dealing with the pandemic is on the Ohio Supreme Court’s website at