“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,…” Sixth Amendment, United States Constitution.
“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet devised by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” Thomas Jefferson, 1789 in correspondence to Thomas Paine.
“The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate,…” Article One, Section 5, The Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
“The jury is a central foundation of our justice system and our democracy. Whatever its imperfections in a particular case, the jury is a necessary check on governmental power. The jury, over the centuries, has been an inspired, trusted, and effective instrument for resolving factual disputes and determining ultimate questions of guilt or innocence in criminal cases. Over the long course its judgments find acceptance in the community, an acceptance essential to respect for the rule of law. The jury is a tangible implementation of the principle that the law comes from the people.
In the era of our Nation’s founding, the right to a jury trial already had existed and evolved for centuries, through and alongside the common law. The jury was considered a fundamental safeguard of individual liberty.” U. S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, in Pena-Rodriguez v. Colorado (2017)
The Jury Commissioner is responsible for insuring that the Common Pleas Court has available sufficient jurors to hear and decide civil and criminal trials, thus affording everyone who comes to court their constitutional right to trial by a jury of their peers. The Jury Commissioner oversees the process for notifying citizens that they have been called for jury duty, orients the new jurors to their responsibilities, and assigns them to courtrooms as needed. The Jury Commissioner also handles requests to postpone or be excused from jury service. For additional details on jury service, please consult the Jury FAQs on this web site or see both parts of the jury orientation video on this web site.
GRAND JURY– In addition to making sure that there are enough jurors to hear and decide trials, the Jury Commission is also responsible for citizen service on the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury meets only twice a week and does not hear trials. Instead, the Grand Jury evaluates evidence presented by the county prosecutor and determines which cases should be subject to indictment and prosecution. If you have been summoned for Grand Jury service or for more detailed information on the role and duties of the Grand Jury, please click Grand Jury Service Brochure.
Please fill out this form if you have any additional questions.
To check petit jury service, call the Jury Recording at:
513.483.4864 after 5:00 PM the evening before your assignment
To report absence or for questions, call the Jury Office at:
513.732.7596 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM
General FAQs-For Everyone Coming to the Courthouse
NOTE: GPS navigation has on occasion led people to the WRONG location.
Please be sure you are traveling to Batavia on SR 32, 132, or 222 when you report.
You as a Petit Juror in Ohio’s Judicial System Video (Supreme Court of Ohio)
Grand Jury Duty in Ohio Video (Supreme Court of Ohio)